Main page on has information about 0.4 version. An experiment like this doesn't really make sense.Scenario 10There should be some kind of victory message each time that you 'win'People ARE going to skip the story text when it starts out the same as previously.Current official github page contains 1.0, 1.0rc1 and 0.711 as the most old versions.īut on is avaliable most older just 0.7.
I see you made changes to fix this since my version, but don't think there's a reason for him not to remain a player's unit here.7c: If a unit other than DV picks up the book, have him freak out a little, insist he be given it, and get upset when Malin makes him wait, foreshadowing S8.Scenario 8Why would there be a lighthouse here?Letting Fat Jaime get Drunken rage breaks his plagueNeeds an alternate objective, kill all enemies.Scenario 9How does a dragon write on a sign? The mage's name is a cute Easter egg though.There's some deprecated code when Malin is dying at the start.Missing portrait on Malin's reflection in the poolOn returning from the pool, shroud came back up on the map in places that I'd already explored.When you find some gold, Malin could say something like 'What need have I for gold now?' He's beyond such earthly concerns.The rhyme is cool, but if the potion puzzle is going to be a thing (I don't think it adds much, personally) I think it should be left as lost lab notes or as a deliberate challenge by the mage to those that follow, not as an unfinished experiment.
Suggest consistency.Scenario 7c7c: DV is suicidal and his units don't protect him well.

Suggest removing them.7b/c: Having all these items, some which have events, some which don't, some can only be picked up by Malin etc. Suggest letting any unit pick them up.7b: The amulet at 15,3 doesn't remove from map when picked up.7b/c: Monoliths here don't work like the rest of them in the campaign. It will help make units a little special.Why would burning down the tree give you the ability to stop the magic spawning the mudcrawlers? Just let the storm trident or Malin's magic destroy the rune on contact.The fat rat looks the same as the level 0 ones. Let any unit/any non-flying unit grab it and keep it as an item throughout the campaign. Add message interrupting first kill the same way saying something like 'Don't turn the bodies into corpses, we need them intact for now!' If a player's level 0 unit dies when attacked it triggers the rathint eventThere's no reason that DV should think Malin will 'find the answer' to the mudcrawler puzzle.Only letting Malin use the storm trident is non-intuitive. This should just be 'these corpses'Quotes are missing around goblin leader ID in death event.Scenario 3There's a deprecation warning on young ogre fight ( has been deprecated indefinitely.)If you kill the first ogre with corpses, you get a zombie but the Second and third kills don't spawn (because they are interrupted by events?). Give it a loyal icon, perhaps a colour change, and a comment on death.' Here's a few thoughts, bugs, and responses that I had when playing it.GENERAL CAMPAIGN STUFF15XP for first 2nd level AMLAs for Malin and the Servant seem insanely low, would prefer it to be at a standard level 1 XP level at minimum.AMLA says 'what should our victorious unit become?', if this is changeable having it say something more along the lines of 'Which skill should our unit train?' Would be nice.The Servant Spirit is easily confused with other ghosts.

Sorry for posting this here, but it seemed too big and unfocused for an issue on github and didn't really seem to fit the feedback threads either, given that I haven't answered the usual questions and haven't gone scenario by scenario in the usual way.It's been a long time since I've played DiD, so I'm not sure I properly appreciate the recent changes as I don't remember what it was like before, but like it is now on 1.15.3 it flows very naturally and just works.